Session 1: Intro to the class and Python
Session 2: Basic Python and Functions
Notes for Session 02
Session 3: Booleans, Sequences, Iteration, and Strings
Notes for Session 03
Session 4: Dictionaries, Sets, and File Handling
Notes for Session 04
Session 5: Exceptions and Comprehensions
Notes for Session 05
Session 6: Testing and Advanced Argument Passing
Notes for Session 06
Session 7: Object Oriented Programing
Notes for Session 07
Session 8: Properties and Magic methods
Notes for Session 08
Session 9: Static and class methods: multiple inheritance
Notes for Session 09
Session 10: Intro to Functional Programming: lambda and Map, Filter, Reduce
Notes for Session 10
Installing Python and core tools
Setting Up A Development Environment For Python
Resources for Specific Python Topics